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Is drinking good for your health? Several recent studies have suggested that alcohol in moderation offers health benefits and may even help you live longer. Yet in 2014, the World Health Organization labeled alcohol as a carcinogen and said no amount is safe.
The question gained new relevance this month with the release of a sobering report that documents a significant rise in the number of people with drinking problems in the U.S. The problems were noted especially among women, minorities, and the elderly, as well as those with less education and lower incomes.

مواضيع طبية

Headache or Migraine

Migraine is a disorder characterized by repeated attacks of severe headache. A migraine headache causes throbbing or pulsating pain, usually on only one side of the head. These headaches are often associated with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound; they generally last between four hours and three days. Migraine headaches, which are often misdiagnosed as sinus or tension headaches, are severe enough to interfere with sleep, work, and other everyday activities.

مواضيع طبية

Is drinking good for your health? Several recent studies have suggested that alcohol in moderation offers health benefits and may even help you live longer. Yet in 2014, the World Health Organization labeled alcohol as a carcinogen and said no amount is safe.
The question gained new relevance this month with the release of a sobering report that documents a significant rise in the number of people with drinking problems in the U.S. The problems were noted especially among women, minorities, and the elderly, as well as those with less education and lower incomes.

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